You know your debt increases, but one can not simply stop using your credit card. It is easy to grow depends on the credit card to buy impulse and even everyday expenses. But if you start drowning in your debt, you must use your credit card debt before it actually takes you below. 1. Close it. A call to your cardholder is all that needed to be off your credit card. You can easily still nagging desire your card with the thought of the shame you feel when the officer told your credit card declined was used. Closing credit cards can negatively affect your credit score, so make sure you do not close your map on the left should remain open. 2. Shred them. Office Shredders equally well on small pieces of plastic as is the case in your paper. If your credit card in the play, there's no way you can pull through. Do not have a shredder? Scissors work well together. Cut the card into small pieces, so that the credit card number does not guessed by identity theft. 3. Leave them at home. Take your credit card from your wallet before you go shopping. If you get the urge to buy something to get, you must use cash or again for the item if your credit card. 4. Lock it. The "Out of sight, out of mind" approach to be things that work for you. Enter your credit card in one place, the effort it requires to make - in cabinets, to back up files, the floor of the laundry. Keep help reach your credit card out of your direct, use the control of the "necessity" to them. 5. Shock therapy. Have you ever thought about how much money you spend on interest each year? Or how long does it take to pay off your credit card? Sometimes the numbers are in, you realize your credit card away for good shock. $ 1,000 balance at 14% take 4 1 / 2 years to pay off if you make a payment $ 25 per month. They are $ 347.55 in interest at the time you pay the rest have paid. 6. Reward yourself. Positive reinforcement goes a long way in building a habit. We use it for our children and our pets. Why not himself? Each week that you do not treat your credit card, you are something you like, but usually do not allow myself to indulge. Keeping treated at the end / cheap free end of the spectrum, so that you do not want to disturb your monthly budget. 7. Ancient self-control. I can even say "no" is a skill that goes beyond using a credit card. The same self-discipline, that is to work on time every morning can also be used, the use of your credit card. Think twice read over your credit card as you would think twice about pressing the snooze just one.
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