Personal Finance Teachers argue about how the debt, you have to pay first. Explore the Internet for only a few minutes and you will find articles painfully long volume repeats the same old approach to pay debts.
If you have not found the time to read it all yet, no worries. Here is a summary of what they say, virtually all in one sentence.
Either pay off the smallest one account removed at any time, or the highest rate debt first. Both methods are new. Instead, they had been only a fancy new name.
Dave Ramsey's "Debt Snowball" method (paying small debts first) has collected a large amount of recognition due to the popularity of his book titled "The Total Money Makeover". And the "Debt Avalanche" approach, eloquent blog about flexo in consumer comment is just another way of saying the rules of mathematics should not be ignored - the debt with high interest rates first is the undeniable smart economic path in each taking situation.
Actually, like most things in your personal finances, there is no uniform method for all. So if you're more interested in finding out what will work for you, instead of hours spent reading the detailed analysis why a way to beat the others, just try to ask yourself three questions before deciding which Measures taken:
1) Do you have an emergency fund?
If not, stop here! You have to take some kind of emergency fund before you even think about how to pay the existing debt.
In a perfect world, you would save a value of at least six months expenses in a savings account, high-results online. However, if that seems impossible financially for you at this time, the advice of Dave Ramsey and save at least $ 1,000 in cash, before moving on to question number two.
2) What is your motivation.?
Do you need to stay motivated a small victory experience? If so, you begin your trip by paying the smallest bill first. Enjoy the excitement of watching your account balance hit zero, and get as pumped as possible about each small victory. You must make it through the long-term, because this route is not the fastest way to get rid of your debt.
On the other hand, if you save the money alone make enough to stick to your plan motivated, debt free Avalanche is the way to go. You can still enjoy the small victories along the way by carrying out regular calculations to determine how much you save each month in interest. If you hit the $ 1,000 mark, reward yourself with something good (and cheap).
3) Why not two methods?
For many, the best way to pay off debt often a mixture of the two approaches is discussed above. For couples, this is almost always the case. Compromise must be involved for both partners and motivated during the process.
So if you have several small debts that have survived for many years to get rid of first impulse to build. Then you can cope with a larger debt to the interest rate and term.
Regardless of what action you decide to take, the important thing to hold on to your plan and watch the debt disappear. It is time for self-control and endurance, but the reward is worth the effort.
Kamis, 27 Januari 2011
How to pay off debt: The determination of the best approach

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